New Builds and Extensions

Temple Lawn - Blackrock Road
Installation of 80 piles for a substantial house at Tara Lawn. Work was completed in two days.
Contractor:Peter Murphy
Consulting Engineer: Denis O Sullivan and Associates

New Houses at Beaumont Avenue, Cork
Screwpile installed 61 piles for two houses on the site of the old Spar Supermarket on Beaumont Avenue in Cork. Rock was encountered at 4m typically. Two static load test were performed and deflections of 2-3mm were recorded at SWL of 150kn.
Main Contractor: Cetti
Structural Engineer: JB Barry & Partners

House at Great Island Cobh Co Cork
Helical Piles were used to support a single house overlooking Cork Harbour. Screwpile installed the piles and desgined the foundations to suit.
Main Contractor: Murphy New Homes
Consulting Engineer: Aidan O Brien

Extension at Crosshaven
Piling to foundation of extension at Crosshaven. Work completed in 5 hours concrete poured next day.
Trenches should always be excavated in advance. No mess.
Contractor: Leeside Homes